Patient Testimonials | Gentle Healing Arts

Feedback from Patients

Read what Dr. Einat Arian's patients have to say about their experiences.


Adult Patients

Recovery from a Concussion

"I had a Grade III concussion and 2-years later I was still suffering from complications that impacted my day-to-day life. I was referred to Dr. Arian and within two treatments, I could see a difference.  The immediate feedback loop I experienced was amazing.  And 6-months later, I was feeling back to my old self. The change was noticeable to my family and my friends, and my professional life improved as well.

In addition to Dr. Arian treating my head injury, she also focused on my sinus problems - I went from being sick most of the winter and spring, to not even catching a mild cold for the past year.  I cannot stress how much Dr. Arian has improved my quality of life with her treatments, which expand beyond craniosacral therapy and are truly holistic in approach." (TT)


Recovering from Whiplash

"After suffering a whiplash injury as the result of a MVA,  I began CranioSacral treatments with Einat.   After only a few sessions I notice improvements in my range of motion and a reduction in the frequency and duration of the headaches I was suffering post injury.    Her ability to assess my needs and create an effective treatment plan has helped me progress and recover from the injuries I sustained from this accident." (KN)

Baby Patients

"Craniosacral therapy helped to save our breastfeeding journey."

"Craniosacral therapy helped to save our breastfeeding journey. By the time my son and I were connected with Dr. Arian at 8 weeks of age, we had already spent over 50 hours at or commuting to and from appointments for the sole purpose of helping him to manage my milk flow, drink from a bottle, and decrease the severe pain I was experiencing from his poor oral motor skills.

At the first appointment Dr. Arian worked on my son's head while I nursed. Due to the speed of my letdown, he was gulping just to keep up. By the time we left that day his muscles had released enough that he was drinking slowly and quietly. She told me it could take up to a few more days for him to integrate all of the work that she'd done that day. Even with the immediate improvement we'd seen I was still a little skeptical- it hadn't really looked like anything was being done. Two days later we had our first full day of NO pain and no gulping while nursing. It was amazing!

At a follow up appointment the next week, Dr. Arian also worked on his severely retracted mandible. By the time I put him back into his car seat to leave, his face and jaw were noticeably different. The jaw was releasing and pulling forward. We continued the craniosacral therapy and body work for a few more sessions and have had very few issues since. He is now 9 months old and our nursing journey continues to go strong. I often joke that the body work always looked a little like voodoo to me but that it truly did make all the difference for my little one. I'm certain that we wouldn't have made it much longer had it not been for our time with Dr. Arian." (CS)


"There was major improvement after just one session."

"We took our son Oliver to see Dr. Arian to have craniosacral performed when he was almost 2 months old.  She is amazing and has magical hands.  We were recommended to have cranial done before the possibility of having his frenulum clipped.  I was having excruciating pain with breast feeding and Oliver was having some issues gaining the proper weight.  It took every thing I had to get him latched.  Once he was latched it was very painful for the first few minutes.  After feeding I would have to pump to supplement what he was not getting.  I was bound and determined to be successful with this. 

There was major improvement after just one session with Dr. Arian.  He opened his jaw wider and his latch was not as tight as before.  We went back a few weeks later to have another session and he was a totally different baby.  His jaw would open much wider and his suck was more efficient.  She worked on his upper lip, under his chin, along with his jaw and neck muscles at the base of his skull.  We are so Thankful to Dr. Arian for being so patient and amazing with Oliver.  Her presence is so calming and healing, Oliver enjoyed every minute of it.  He would also sleep really good for the night he had this work performed.  I can't thank her enough for getting me to the point of being able to enjoy feeding my baby and forming the bond that I cherish everyday. I would recommend her in a heartbeat." (SB)


"We are actually enjoying our time nursing now."

We are so thrilled that Dr. Arian was able to provide therapy for our newborn daughter, Lucia! I struggled mightily with nursing at the start and was experiencing such chronic pain that I considered pumping and bottle feeding. I wanted desperately to continue nursing and since our session, we have improved greatly! Dr. Arian was so gentle with Lu, and being new to craniosacral therapy, I wondered if this light form of touch would elicit any result. Immediately after working on the roof of her mouth, we saw the bridge of our baby's nose become more prominent! We had a lengthy labor and she was pretty squished! Since her therapy, Lucia is latching better, my nipples have healed, and we are actually enjoying our time nursing now. We are so thankful for Dr. Arian and the therapy she provides! (MP)

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